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Academic Publications

Find a list below of publications related to the PHRC

Every medical school should have a planetary health teaching fellow. Bevan, J H, Kumaran, K, Walker, I V, Wilkinson, JBMJ doi:10.1136/bmj.p2026

Gareth Lacobucci. Sixty Seconds on… Green Medicine. BMJ. Published online April 26, 2023. doi: 

Navarrete-Welton A, Chen JJ, Byg B, Malani K, Li ML, Martin KD, Warrier S. A grassroots approach for greener education: An example of a medical student-driven planetary health curriculum. Frontiers in Public Health. Published September 26, 2022. 

Nordrum OL, Kirk A, Lee SA, Haley K, Killilea D, Khalid I, Pérez EC, Waters I, Yan R, Zulfiqar S, Stanistreet D. Planetary health education in medical curricula in the Republic of Ireland. Medical Teacher. Published May 18, 2022.

Hampshire K, Islam N, Kissel B, Chase H, Gundling K. The Planetary Health Report Card: A student-led initiative to inspire planetary health in medical schools. The Lancet Planetary Health. Published May 2022.

Chase H, Hampshire K, Tun S. Improving the medical curriculum on planetary health and sustainable healthcare. The BMJ Opinion. Published Jan 25, 2022.

England V, McPhee H, Wells R, Westwood R. QUB Students: Changing the Climate of Planetary Health Education. Ulster Medical Journal. Published online Nov 11, 2021.

Lok P. How can I be an environmentally conscious healthcare practitioner? The BMJ Opinion. Published online October 7, 2021.

Moore A. A planetary health curriculum for medicine. BMJ. Published October 6, 2021.

Kerr M, Brenna C. Championing green practices and climate action: The role of healthcare trainees. The Journal of Climate Change and Health. Published online October 2021.

Hampshire K and Fadadu R, Ndovu A. Medical Students as Agents of Change in the Climate Crisis. Academic Medicine. Accepted August 2021.

Duckworth M, Boehler-Tatman M, Hsu S. Preparing the Next Generation of Health Professionals to Tackle Climate Change. Academic Medicine. Accepted August 2021.

Shaw E, Walpole S, McLean M, et al. AMEE Consensus Statement: Planetary health and education for sustainable healthcare. Medical Teacher. Published online Feb 19, 2021. DOI:10.1080/0142159X.2020.1860207

Lemery J, Balbus J, Sorensen C, Rublee C, Dresser C, Balsari S, Hynes E. Training Clinical and Public Health Leaders in Climate and Health. Health Affairs. Published December 2020.

Tun S, Wellbery C, Teherani A. Faculty development and partnership with students to integrate sustainable healthcare into health professions education. Medical Teacher. Published online August 7, 2020:1-7. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2020.1796950